Thursday, May 17, 2012


Wed was the first day campers could register for the 4th of July weekend.  Based on the turnout we experienced for the Memorial Day registration we were expecting a busy morning.  Judy and I observed the first camper parked outside the gate at 8:45 PM Tue. before I closed the gate at 9:00 Tue. As we walked over to our Cardinal, Judy commented that we were going to be really busy in the AM. I open the office each morning and Judy comes over around 8:30 to 9:00 AM but she was going to open with me to help me with the registration onslaught Wed. morning.
Lonny was the first camper at the gate - 9:45PM Tue night!
Judy set the clock for 5AM to give her time to go through her make-up routine and be ready to open with me at 7:00.  I have tried to dissuade her from continuing the practice now that she is retired and no longer part of the corporate world. We left the Cardinal at 6:45 and walked the 120 feet to the office!  Once in, I completed the opening routine – lights on, alarm off, computer booted up, blinds open, Fox News on.  Judy and I then made coffee (two pots), arranged the chairs so we could seat the waiting throngs. I almost forgot, we put out 3 dozen donuts (freshly made Krispy Kreme) that Richard (Maintenance Guy) dropped off.  A quick check of the clock- 6:55.  Game Time!  I grabbed the numbers I pass out to the campers to keep track of “who is next” and walked out to unlock the gate.

Lonny said it was worth camping out all night at the gate to get the first spot.

The sight I saw put me into “registration shock”- only five campers.  I unlocked the gate and passed out the numbers.  They went to the office and registration began. Not one camper sat in any of our chairs to wait to be called up. We even had four recliners available. That spoke volumes about their manhood.  Not only that, they didn’t drink one cup of coffee or eat one single donut even though we practically begged them to.  Judy handled the process so efficiently that by 7:20 it was all over. Not one single camper was still in the office.  Judy looked at me and said “that was quick”.  No man likes to hear those words no matter what the context is.  I said “r i g h t”, “what are we going to do with 36 donuts”.  Judy said “you mean 34, we ate two already”.  In the end we gave them to campers and visitors throughout the day.

My favorite grilled dish (I am a simple man)
It was my day to do lunch so I grilled my favorite dish.  I served it with chips, potato salad and a refreshing beverage (no not that refreshing beverage).  The rest of the day was pretty slow.  The hot water was replaced. We closed out the day watching American Idol.

115 gallon hot water heater (350 gal per hr)
Thanks for stopping by.
Next Blog: Friday


  1. That's what you get for being prepared! I'd come to your campground anytime :)
    I always wonder what people think when you take a picture of you tell them you blog? I had trip to the Urgent care for something and George was taking pictures of me to blog, and wanted to include the doc in the picture..I said no way!!

    1. Laurie,
      When I am shooting specific pics I let the people know I have a blog. So far all have been excited to be part of it. People who are in the background and pretty much unreconizable I don't worry about. I don't use last names in my blog.

  2. "Judy looked at me and said “that was quick”. No man likes to hear those words no matter what the context is."

    LOL, Aint that the truth!!

