Monday, December 31, 2012

The Snow Birds have Landed

We were told that the park would be full by New Years Day. Well, today is Dec. 31 and it is full.  I have been noticing a few more arrivals each day as Judy and I did our walk about.  All the RV dedicated sites except one is occupied.  A few of the park models owners have not arrived. They will probably get here in the next couple of days.

Filling UP

Judy was very busy yesterday. She defrosted the frig and tackled a new barbecue recipe. A lot of slow cooking was required in the crock pot.  All the time and effort was worth it. Judy said the recipe was a keeper.

 Judy whipping up a little something (and defrosting the refrigerator too)

Barbecue (recipe on request)

This morning at the weekly meeting it was more apparent that more people had arrived at the park. It was a full house. After the meeting Judy and I joined the rest of the regular “shufflers” in the three game set of shuffle-board.  Afterwards Judy got her daily walk in. She has been walking three miles each day ever since we got here. I walk on a little less stringent schedule, whenever the mood strikes.

Tonight is the big night, New Years Eve. For Judy and me it is not that special. We treat it pretty much like any other night. Seldom are we up when the ball drops! I’ll let you know if anything changes.

That is all for now.  Thanks for stopping by.
Next Blog: Friday


  1. Happy New Year! We stopped staying up years ago. Isn't as exciting as it used to be :)

  2. We had a good time and kept each other awake. Thanks for coming over and joining us bringing in the new year.
