Sunday, December 9, 2012

Breakfast and a Show

Even on the weekend something is usually going on in the park.  This weekend two events were scheduled on Saturday, a pancake breakfast and a “night club” act that night.

Judy and I got up and left the fiver at 8:00 AM and shuffled over to the club house for a pancake breakfast.  It was hosted by the Adelaide Shores Shuffle Board group. Judy and I volunteered to help out since we have joined the group but more than enough members had volunteered to help out before we arrived at the park.  The breakfast was very tasty and for the price of $5.00 it was cheap as well. We had a chance to meet more of the people wintering here.

We decided to go to the evening performance by Bud Conover.(for a sample click HERE) It was a 50s/60s music revue.  It was very well received by the audience, mostly because we had grown up with the music. It had most people tapping their feet and singing along. There was a good turnout even though it was a rainy night. I am looking forward to the next event.
Bud Conover
The Dance Floor was Hopping


Earlier in the day I decided to wax the Cardinal. I decided to use the “How do you eat an elephant” strategy. That way I’ll only tackle a little each day and before long the project will be completed and I won’t be dog tired. I finished a 20 foot section (top to bottom) in about an hour and half. I should be able to finish the project in five or six installments. I’ll let you know how this works out.

That’s all for now, thanks for stopping by.
Next Post: Tue.


  1. It was a great night last night.

    The side of the RV is facing us, it's nice looking. It's also bright in the evening sun. Good job!

  2. George wants to wax Harvey as well. I think tackling it in sections is the best way to get it done.

  3. It looks like Jim and Dee are keeping you busy!
