Monday, October 7, 2013

A Desert Storm Shipmate

Saturday I had an opportunity to meet with one of my shipmates from "Desert Storm".  The last time I saw Joe was in Alexandria, Egypt when he was returning to the states for a new assignment close to twenty years ago.  He contacted me on FB a few months back. He has remained in the Norfolk area since leaving the Navy.

It is always great to reconnect with former shipmates. We just tend to pick up where we left off, no matter how much time has past. Joe has been involved in the ministry most of the time. He is an associate pastor and is involved on local and international outreach programs. Joe and his wife Veronica also own "The Sunrise Breakfast Shoppe" near where I use to live in Great Bridge.  The food is excellent!! It was great getting to see Joe and geting caught up and learning about the noble work he is doing through the ministry.

 Joe and I at the Sunrise Breakfast Shoppe

Even during Joe's time on the USS Hart, he worked hard for charitable causes. During a fundraising drive for the Navy Relief Society, Joe pledged a considerable donation to have the Command Master Chief (me) thrown overboard (about 75 miles east of MA)!!

SKCS (SW) Mcgourn pays the  Chief Master At Arms a large sum of money to have the Command Master Chief tossed into the Atlantic Ocean about 75 miles east of MA.

Man Overboard

Just a little swim in the Atlantic with a few of my friends (XO & ship rescue swimmers.

At least they did recover me!

That's all for now.  Thanks for stopping by.
Next Blog: Wed


  1. Was there also a fundraising drive to have you pulled back aboard the ship?

    1. It didn't raise nearly as much money! Just kidding, the Capt. Threw the recovery in for free. I have pics of the event but I could not get them to upload.

  2. How nice to be able to see a good friend!

  3. These kind of reunions are part of the reason we have chosen this lifestyle. I love how you describe the lasting connection in spite of how much time has gone by. Your friend sounds like a special guy.
