Thursday we went to Tryon Palace with Dee, Jim and Ms. Alberta. The weather once again cooperated nicely, which was a good thing since we were outside as we toured the gardens of the palace.
History of the Palace from the Tryon Palace web site.
Governor’s Palace
The centerpiece of our historic site was also the grandest public building in all the colonies. Royal Governor William Tryon and his family brought architect John Hawks from London to design and build the Georgian-style structure. Completed in 1770, Tryon Palace served as the first permanent capitol of North Carolina and home to the Tryon family.
Tryon Palace was the site of the first sessions of the general assembly for the State of North Carolina following the revolution and housed the state governors until 1794. In 1798, fire destroyed the original Palace building. An extensive 30-year campaign to rebuild the Palace and restore the grounds was launched by the people of New Bern, state leaders, world craftsmen, and generous, dedicated citizens such as Mrs. James Edwin Latham. Their efforts led to the triumphal reopening of the Palace in 1959. Today, the Palace lives on as a testament to history, community and rebirth. Here are a few pics. Photography is not permitted inside so I lifted some from the web. (Remember to enlarge the pics, just CLICK!)

Before we headed back home, Jim, took us to the site where Pepsi Cola was first concocted!
Judy had to have a Pepsi float.

I found a clip on YouTube that chronicles the history and rebuilding of Tryon Palace. If you are a history buff or would like more details it is worth a look.
That is all for now. Thanks for stopping by.
Next Blog: Sunday (maybe, because it is a travel day)