Monday & Tue – One of my friends, Marvin, and I were encouraged by a couple of members of the Avon Park Shuffleboard Club to enter a two day Florida Shuffleboard Association sponsored armature tournament at Sebring FL. We were reluctant to do so because we had only played at the RV park level. We decided we would play so we could pick up some good experience. Our first match (best two out of three) lasted from 9:00 Am until 1:15 (4hrs), the longest match of the tournament! Even though we lost the match, it raised our confidence level. We continued to play and advance. We finished up in fourth place out of 25 teams.
Wed – Judy went to Tampa Downs with a group from the park to bet on the horses. She reported they had a fun time. She won $16.00.
Headed to the Post Galen and Georgia, friends from Milledgeville
Friday – After we played morning SB Judy and I took a drive to Punta Gorda so I could drop off my Florida Conceal Carry Weapons (CCW) license application package. I have one from GA. but now that we have changed our residency to FL I thought it would be prudent to get one from FL. Once we finished our business I asked the clerk if there was a good seafood restaurant nearby. She recommended one at Fisherman’s Village. It was a collection of waterfront shops and eateries on the waterfront. The restaurant she recommended was excellent.
Friday evening we went to the park clubhouse and enjoyed the music and comedy routine of “Spitin’ Image”, an identical twin brother duo.
Click here for a sample!
That is all for now. Thanks for stopping by.